fibul- +

(Latin: clasp, brooch; outer bone of the leg)

Relating to both the talus (astragalus, the ankle bone, or hock bone; the bone of the tarsus [ankle] which articulates with the tibia at the ankle) and the fibula.
Pertaining to the lateral, or fibular, side of the toes.
fibula (s), fibulae (pl)
The outer and smaller bone of the leg from the ankle to the knee, articulating above the tibia and below with the tibia and talus.

It is one of the longest and thinnest bones of the body. The other bone in the lower leg is the tibia.

The fibula does not carry weight. It articulates (comes together to form a joint) with the tibia above and with the tibia and the talus bone below.

The fibula was compared to a clasp attaching it to the tibia to form a brooch. The fibula is also called the "calf bone".

Pertaining to the fibula.
fibulocalcaneal (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the fibula and the calcaneus (the largest of the tarsal bones, skeletal part of the foot, which is situated at the lower and back part of the foot forming the heel): When playing tennis, Doug fell down badly and injured the fibulocalcaneal part of his right foot and had to undergo surgery and stay in hospital for quite a while!
1. The act of buckling or fastening as if with buckles, particularly the practice of fastening the prepuce or labia minora together to prevent coitus.
2. The stitching together of the vulva, often after a clitoridectomy, leaving a small opening for the passage of urine and menstrual blood.
3. The act of clasping, or fastening, as with a buckle or padlock.
Relating to the talus and the fibula.
Relating to the tibia and fibula, both of which are the bones forming the lower leg.