You searched for: “niche
niche (s), niches (pl) (nouns)
1. A suitable place for someone; a position or activity that particularly suits someone's talents, interests, abilities, personality, or nature so that person can exist in his or her special place: "She was happy to find her own niche in the tech company as a programmer."
2. Commerce specialized market: "An area of the market specializing in one type of product or service was designed to undercut the competition in the same niche."
3. In an ecology place in nature, the role of an organism within its natural environment that determines its relations with other organisms and ensures its survival.
4. Wall recess: "A recess in a wall, especially one made to hold a statue."
5. A recess or hollow place: "He could see the niche in the rock formation."

In biology, or ecology, the function of a particular species in an ecological community; all aspects of an organism's existence that enable it to survive and reproduce. An example would be an Osprey that primarily preys upon fish; therefore, its niche is near water, which means it could not survive in the desert.

A person's niche is his or her comfort zone, a familiar place where one can make a decent living or work in a special avocation.

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niche, niches, niched, niching (verbs)
1. To place or to put something in a niche: "They niched the statue in the wall."
2. Finding a situation or activity that is especially suited to a person's interests, abilities, or nature: "As a successful writer, she is niching her place in life."
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(Latin: Probably from mitulus "mussel", of unknown origin [the change from m to n has not been explained]. It is also said to possibly come from Latin nidificare or nidulari, "to nest"; from nidus "nest", but there is no confirmation for either theory)
Word Entries containing the term: “niche
ecological niche (s), ecological niches (pl) (nouns)
1. The space occupied by a biological species, which includes both the physical space as well as the functional role of the species.
2. The specific microhabitat in which a particular population lives and the way that population exploits that microhabitat.

Ecological niche refers to the characteristics of an environment that provides all the essential food and protection for the continued survival of a particular species of flora or fauna.

In addition to food and shelter, there is no long-term threat to existence in that place from potential predators, parasites, and competitors. The concept of the ecological niche goes a long way beyond the idea of the species habitat.

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fundamental niche
The maximum niche that a given species is capable of occupying when not restrained by competition.
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niche market, niche marketing (s) (noun); niche markets, niche marketings (pl)
A business or commercial enterprise in which a limited and clearly defined range of products is sold to a specific group of customers: Such a niche market is especially meant for those who place a lot of value on the quality of the item or product they want and are willing to pay a high price for it.
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niche vehicle (s) (noun), niche vehicles (pl)
A term for a motor vehicle which has a relatively small production output and that is sold to a just a few people in the general market: A niche vehicle usually is a very expensive item; such as, an expensive sports car, that only a limited number of purchasers can afford to pay the such a high price.
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realized niche
The niche that an organism is able to occupy in the face of the constraints of interaction with other species populations.
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temporal niche (s) (noun), temporal niches (pl)
An organism’s functional position in its surroundings as determined by the timespan in which it appears and is active there: The temporal niche can be explained as the daily and seasonal rhythm of an animal, for example, as seen in an owl which is characterized by being active during the night and sleeping during the day.
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Word Entries at Get Words: “niche
The combined range of environmental variables; such as, temperature, humidity, and food items, within which a species can exist and reproduce.
This entry is located in the following unit: Ant and Related Entomology Terms (page 13)