You searched for: “journal
journal (s) (noun), journals (pl)
1. Performed, happening, or recurring every day; daily, diurnal.
2. A daily record of commercial transactions, entered as they occur, for the purpose of keeping accounts.
3. A daily newspaper or other publication; hence, by extension, any periodical publication containing news or dealing with matters of current interest in any particular sphere. Now often called specifically a "public journal".
4. Etymology: from about 1355, "a book of church services", from Anglo-French jurnal, "a day"; from Old French journal, originally "daily", from Late Latin diurnalis, "daily"; as in diurnal.

The sense of "a daily record of transactions" was first recorded in 1565; that of "a personal diary" is about 1610, from a sense found in French. "Journalism" in English is from 1833; as well as from French in about 1781.

This entry is located in the following unit: dies, di-, die-, -diem, diurn- (page 1)
(another journal, log, or blog about Word-Info site activities, daily and nightly)
(the journal saga of Word Info continues)
(a journal entry about special topics regarding "brain strain" and "hypersomnia")
(more journal information about Word Info activities)
(listings of logs, or blogs, sharing personal stepping stones and stumbling blocks)