Quotes: Word Usage

(ignorance word usage is no excuse for continuing such ignorance)


Imply, Infer
What I imply, I hint. What you infer
Is what you think I hinted. Better, sir
To say “hello” in error for “goodbye”
Than say “infer” in error for “imply.”
—Willard R. Espy, Say It my Way

Alright’s Not All Right
By day and night
I sing this song:
“All right’s all right,
Alright’s all wrong.”
—Willard R. Espy, Say It my Way

A slight revision:
Every day and night
I keep singing this song:
“All right is all right,
Alright is all wrong.”

Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.

—George Bernard Shaw, 1898

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