sapo-, sap-, sapon-, saponi-

(Latin: soap)

saponaceous (adjective), more saponaceous, most saponaceous
1. Of the nature of, or resembling, soap; consisting of, or containing, soap; soapy: The saponaceous bar he used in the shower was of medium size and smooth like silk.
2. Used figuratively: slippery; evasive: Jack's reasons were very saporaceous and he avoided telling his parents the real truth.
saponacity (s) (noun) (no pl)
The quality or state of being soapy: The saponacity of the cleaning agent made from salts of vegetable fats produced a lot of bubbles and was quite foamy and frothy.
The root and leaves of Saponaria officinalis. It is used topically to treat boils and dermatitis. Also called soap wort, soaproot, bouncing Bet.
Treated or mixed with soap.
Compounded or mixed with a soap.
saponifiable (adjective), more saponifiable, most saponifiable
Suitable of being converted into soap: When combined with an alkaline, the salts from a vegetable or animal fat are saponifiable and can be changed into a cleansing agent.
The process of saponifying; the decomposition of a fat by the addition of an alkali that combines with its fatty acids to form a soap, the remaining constituent, glycerine, being consequently liberated.
An apparatus for isolating glycerine and the fatty acids by saponification.
saponify (verb), saponifies; saponified; saponifying
To turn fat or oil into soap: Jane learned in her science class at school that an alkali saponifies an amount of fat and creates a mild kind of soap!

She also learned that lye could saponify fats in food, and therefore change the texture and flavour.

Any of a group of chemical substances (glucosides) extracted from plants that form a soapy lather when mixed with water and are used to make detergents.
A soft soapy clay mineral found in the veins and cavities of certain rocks that haave undergone hydrothermal alteration.

Don't confuse this sap-, sapo- with another sap- which means, "wise, wisdom" or sap-, sapo- which means, "rotten, putrid".