papaver- +

(Latin: poppy; used in extended senses to mean "pertaining to, containing, or derived from opium")

A genus (the type of the family Papaveraceae) of chiefly bristly hairy herbs that contains the opium poppy.
Referring to, pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Papaveraceae) of which the poppy, the celandine, and the bloodroot are well-known examples.
A mixture of all of the alkaloids of the opium poppy and is better tolerated by dogs than morphine.
A white, crystalline, nonnarcotic, alkaloidal powder, obtained from opium, but not a morphine derivative and not habit-forming or addicting; used in the treatment of spasms of involuntary muscles; especially, of the stomach, bronchi, and arteries.
papavero (s), papaveri (pl)
Poppy or poppies.
Referring to, or pertaining to, the poppy; of the nature of the poppy.