hapt-, hapto-, -hapte +

(Greek: touch, touching, fasten, contact, seizure; binding, attaching)

aphalgesia (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. Pain induced by objects having a symbolic meaning or significance: In the story Jack was reading, aphalgesia was brought about by a sword being pressed again the arm of the main character in order to drive out the devil.
2. A rare type of psychogenic pain disorder: Aphalgesia occurs when pain comes in contact with a substance that has some special significance for the subject, such as certain metals, liquids, or textures.
3. A hysterical state wherein pain is induced by contact with a harmless object that has symbolic significance for the patient: In the gruesome story, aphalgesia was the result when the non-dangerous item with symbolical meaning touched the girl.
4. Etymology: New Latin from Greek haphe, "touch" + algesia, "pain".
aphephobia (noun), aphephobias (pl)
An excessive dread of touching or of being touched by other people: In some cases, aphephobia may relate to a terror of contamination.

With aphephobia, a physical contact with another individual can be overpowering and even painful, and in some cases, the fear is specific to only one gender, while in other situations it relates to all human beings.

In immunology, a small molecule, having at least one of the determinant groups of an antigen, that can combine with an antibody but which is not immunogenic unless it acts in conjunction with a carrier molecule.
haptephobia, haptophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An irrational aversion of being touched: People affected by haptophobia avoid making physical contact with others which can be related to sexual fears or to becoming contaminated.
In botany, a dislike holdfast; an organ that attaches the stem of various aquatic plants or marine algae to the substrate.
1. Tactile; of, pertaining to, or relating to the sense of touch or tactile sensations.
2. Having a greater dependence on sensations of touch than on sight; especially, as a means of psychological orientation.
By touch.
1. The studies of the properties of touch, including particularly the hand.
2. The science of touch, or the sense of contact.
3. The study of touch and tactile sensations, especially as a means of communication.
4. The science of touch, pertaining not only to passively perceived cutaneous sensations of touch and pressure, but including also the active component of exploration via these senses.
haptobenthos (s) (noun) (no pl)
An aquatic organism that lives closely applied to, or growing on, submerged surfaces: The tiny plants Joan found attached to some solid layers of rock in the lake were termed haptobenthos, which she read about later in her biology book.
1. An unpleasant sensation derived from touching certain objects.
2. The disagreeable sensation sometimes aroused by touching certain objects; such as, nylon or fine sandpaper.
haptoglobin (s) (noun), haptoglobins (pl)
A plasma protein that is a normal constituent of blood serum and functions in the binding of free hemoglobin in the bloodstream: Haptoglobin is one of the acid plasma glycoproteins that binds to oxyhemoglobin that is free in the plasma and the complex is then removed in the liver.
An instrument for measuring sensitivity to touch or tactile sensitivity; usually, consisting of calibrated hairs or filaments.
haptonastic, haptonasty
The growth movement of a plant in response to a touch or contact stimulus.

The leaf movements of the Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula following a tactile stimulus, and the rapid collapse of the leaflets of the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica are examples of haptonasty.

1. In psychology, a delusion in which an individual hears voices or other noises emanating from a part of his or her body, usually as the result of a physical sensation or touch.
2. The hearing of noises or voices in response to tactile or haptic stimulation.
A posterior organ of attachment in parasitic worms and flukes which has hooks or suckers or both.