Etymological Analysis of Words, Quiz #1

Choose one answer for each number that correctly matches the definitions or statements in the questions.

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  1. Pick the word that has its first part consisting of a Greek element meaning, "far away, at a distance" and the second part with another Greek element that means "sound; voice".
    (a) telescope (b) telmatology (c) television
    (d) telephone (e) telegram (f) telesthesia
    (g) telegraph (h) telemeter (i) telesthesia
    (j) taxonomy (k) telecourse (l) technology

  2. Click on the word where the first part is a Greek element meaning "many" and the second part has another Greek element that means "tongue, language".
    (a) monoglot (b) glossitis (c) glossology
    (d) polyacoustics (e) quadrigamy (f) monogamy
    (g) polyglot (h) epigrapher (i) dermatalgia
    (j) transdermal (k) polygraph (l) polysyllable

  3. Which word means "three" in the first half and "city" in the last half?
    (a) triennial (b) trisyllable (c) trivium
    (d) trilateral (e) triarchy (f) tercentennial
    (g) telemeter (h) tercel (i) telesthesia
    (j) Tripoli (k) polypolis (l) Thermopolis

  4. Which word starts with a Greek element meaning, "child" and is attached to another Greek element meaning, "tooth, teeth"?
    (a) orthodontics (b) denticle (c) dentonomy
    (d) dentosurgical (e) odontitis (f) cacodontia
    (g) pathodontia (h) pedodontics (i) dentofacial
    (j) juvenescence (k) dentalgia (l) periodontia

  5. Select the word that starts with a Greek element meaning, "false, untrue" which is connected to another Greek element meaning, "feeling, sensation".
    (a) pseudomania (b) pseudogeusia (c) fallacious
    (d) pseudologia (e) pseudonymous (f) pseudopod
    (g) infallible (h) pseudoesthesia (i) faulty
    (j) pseudandry (k) falsetto (l) pseudonym

  6. Which word has a Latin element meaning, "fat, lard; fleshy" plus a Greek element that means, "cut, surgical removal of"?
    (a) adipoid (b) lipophagia (c) lipoid
    (d) steatopygia (e) steatolysis (f) oleotherapy
    (g) steatogenesis (h) lipophagia (i) adipoma
    (j) adipokinesis (k) lipodology (l) adipectomy

  7. Choose the word (or words) that starts with a Latin element that means "to remove from, deprive of" and another Latin element meaning, "to cut".
    (a) precise, precision (b) bisect, bisection (c) dissect, dissection
    (d) leucotomy (e) necrotomy (f) trisect, trisection
    (g) incise, incision (h) osteotomy (i) excise, excision
    (j) anatomy (k) mastectomy (l) pneumectomy

  8. Which word starts with a Greek element meaning, "image, likeness; sacred image" and another Greek element meaning, "break in pieces, broken, crush"?
    (a) fracture (b) rupture (c) pyroclasm
    (d) abrupt (e) cranioclasm (f) frangile
    (g) corruption (h) biblioclasm (i) iconoclasm
    (j) fragile (k) fragment (l) panclasm

  9. Choose the word that starts with a Greek element meaning, "flesh, meat" followed by another Greek element meaning, "eat, consume".
    (a) tachyphagia (b) fructivorous (c) phagology
    (d) herbivorous (e) omnivorous (f) meliphagous
    (g) piscivorous (h) polyphagous (i) vermivorous
    (j) sarcophagus (k) trichophagous (l) dendrophagous

  10. Decide (with a click) which word starts with a Greek element meaning, "light" plus another Greek element that means, "write, record, draw".
    (a) pyrography (b) photobiology (c) choreography
    (d) photophilia (e) photography (f) scriptorium
    (g) lithography (h) photothermy (i) zoography
    (j) circumscription (k) geography (l) subscription

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