brachi-, brachio-

(Greek: arm [especially the upper arm from the shoulder to the elbow])

abrachia (s) (noun), abrachias (pl)
The congenital absence of arms or having no arms: Abrachia is an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies.
abrachia, abrachiatism, abrachius
A congenital absence of the arms.
abrachiocephalia, acephalobrachia (s) (noun); abrachiocephalias, acephalobrachias (pl)
A congenital absence of the head and arms or upper limbs: The veterinarian was puzzled by the birth of the pig that had been born with abrachiocephalia.

The acephalobrachia and the abrachiocephalia consist of humans that are missing heads and upper arms during fetal development and then at birth.

abrachiocephalus, abrachiocephaly, acephalobrachius
A fetus exhibiting the absence of the head and arms.
acephalobrachia (s) (noun) (no plural)
The absence of the head and arms which is present at birth, but not necessarily hereditary: The research department at the hospital studied the unusual congenital condition of acephalobrachia.
antebrachial, antebrachium, antibrachial
The part of the arm or fore-limb from the wrist to the elbow; the forearm.
antebrachial, antibrachial (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of the forearm: Tom showed his mother the antebrachial part of his arm where he had hurt himself.
Short for brassiere, from French, "bodice", from bras, "arm" from brachium: An undergarment designed to support and shape a woman's breasts.
1. An orthopedic appliance that holds or supports part of the body; such as the arm.
2. Etymology: from about 1313, "armor for the arms"; from Old French brace, "arms", also "length measured by two arms"; from Latin bracchia, plural of brachium, "an arm"; from Greek brakhion, "arm, upper arm"; from brakhys, "short", in contrast to the longer forearm.

Applied to various devices for "fastening, tightening", with the notion of clasping the arms. The verb "to render firm" or "to steady by tensing" is from around 1440.

By way of French ultimately from Latin bracchiale, "armlet", from brachium, "arm": A piece of jewelry, e.g., a chain or a bangle, that is worn around the wrist or arm.
brachia (plural); brachium (singular); brachial
1. Arm; the part of the upper limb from shoulder to elbow.
2. A general term used to designate an armlike process or structure.
brachial (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning or belonging to the arm or an armlike part: Vertebrates have brachial extremities of their bodies, like a foreleg or a wing.
brachial fascia (s) (noun), brachial fasciae (pl)
The deep enveloping sheet of fibrous tissue enclosing muscles or groups of muscle fibers of the arm: The brachial fascia is continuous with the pectoral muscles.
brachialgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the arm: Dr. Big told Jane that more examinations had to be done in order to find out the cause of the brachialgia, and that she should use her arm as little as possible.