You searched for: “fractures
fracture (s) (noun), fractures (pl)
1. The act of breaking something; especially, a bone.
2. A break, a split, or a crack in an object or some form of material.
3. A split or division in something; such as, a system, organization, or agreement.
4. In geology, a break in a rock or mineral, across which there is a separation.
This entry is located in the following unit: frag-, frang-, fract-, fring- (page 2)
fracture (verb), fractures; fractured; fracturing
1. To cause to break: "When Melvin slipped on the ice, he fractured a leg bone."
2. To disrupt or to destroy as if by breaking: "
3. To abuse or to misuse flagrantly, as by violating rules: "There are some writers who fracture the language in their books."
This entry is located in the following unit: frag-, frang-, fract-, fring- (page 2)