You searched for: “books
Quotes: Books, Reading
Bound to sell and to be read: books, reading quotes.
This entry is located in the following unit: Quotes: Quotations Units (page 1)
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Units related to: “books
(Greek: book, books)
(bound to sell and to be read; the ability to hear with the eyes)
(an uncontrollable desire to take books based on a strong fondness for them)
(books from everywhere and any time)
(books that have served as sources of information for the compilations of the various calendar histories and modern usages of several chronological topics)
(priority books for a better education)
(a couple of similar opinions about people who borrow books)
(a place where the books turn their backs on visitors)
(Latin: scrinium, a case, chest, box, or receptacle; especially, one in which are deposited sacred relics, bones of a saint, or sacred books and documents)
Word Entries containing the term: “books
Books and Internet Sources of Info

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Books and Internet Sources of Info
It's possible that the content of a subject on-line can be more powerful than a traditional linear book.
This entry is located in the following unit: Books and Books: Index of Articles (page 1)
Books and Libraries: Past and Present
Books and libraries from antiquity to modern publications.
This entry is located in the following unit: Books and Books: Index of Articles (page 1)
prayer book (s) (noun), prayer books (pl)
1. A book containing religious prayers.
2. A Prayer Book: The Book of Common Prayer: The Anglican service book of the Church of England; which has had several revisions since the Reformation and is widely admired for the dignity and beauty of its language.
This entry is located in the following unit: pray-, preca- (page 1)
Word Entries at Get Words: “books
book (s) (noun), books (pl)
A published set of printed pages that are fastened together inside a cover, which may contain a story, information, poems, or other forms of writing presentations:
Sample of a book turning pages.
This entry is located in the following unit: English Words in Action, Group B (page 8)
(Dr. Rocke Robertson collected more than 600 dictionaries and many other books; a true dictionary bibliophile)
(Dr. Rocke Robertson collected more than 600 dictionaries and many other books; a true dictionary bibliophile)
(Dr. Rocke Robertson collected more than 600 dictionaries and many other books; a true dictionary bibliophile)
(a compilation of excerpts and quotes from past issues of magazines and books so they won't be lost in the present)